格罗夫GRT8100-1 launched for Italian market at GIS Expo 2023
- 的 100 t capacity 格罗夫GRT8100-1 was displayed in 意大利 for the first time after its global launch at bauma 2022 in Germany at the end of last year.
- Also on display were the Grove GMK5250XL-1 and GMK5150XL all-terrain cranes.
- 演出在皮亚琴察举行, 仅在米兰以南50公里处, and welcomed visitors from throughout 意大利 and the rest of the world.
马尼托瓦克’s participation at GIS Expo 2023 in Piacenza, 意大利, was a huge success with the company launching the 格罗夫GRT8100-1 rough-terrain crane and five-axle Grove all-terrain cranes. 此外, visitors learned about 马尼托瓦克’s product support and SERVICESs to help customers maximize productivity including but not limited to parts, 服务, 培训, 金融, 和翻新.
恩里科Angiolini, 意大利马尼托瓦克的区域总经理, said visitors were happy to get a first look at the GRT8100-1 and 了解更多 about the full range of SERVICESs on offer from 马尼托瓦克.
“地理信息系统博览会的重要性持续增长, 我们很高兴看到这么多顾客, 的同事们, 以及展会上的合作伙伴,他说. “We were also proud to showcase the new GRT8100-1 which is now available in 意大利 and which is built at our factory in Niella Tanaro, 距离皮亚琴察不到200公里.”
格罗夫购物中心 GRT8100-1 is an upgraded version of the popular and successful GRT8100. Updates on the new model include a 6-cylinder, turbocharged and water-cooled Cummins B6.7 L engine compliant with EUROMOT Stage 5 regulations for use across 意大利 and the rest of 欧洲.
的 100 t capacity GRT8100-1 features the same impressive 360° load charts as its predecessor. 它还保持相同的总体尺寸, 抗衡, 和五节, 12 - 47米全功率MEGAFORM®臂架. 然而, it features a new chassis that gives customers the option to integrate the highly flexible MAXbase™ variable position outrigger system, which offers up to 15% capacity improvements in certain configurations. 操作人员的舒适度得到了提高,这要归功于一种新的, wider Full Vision cab with features such as a tilt/telescopic steering column, 一个更广泛的, 加热, 电动调节座椅, and a three-camera package that maximizes visibility around the crane.
“的 格罗夫GRT8100-1 is a great choice for customers looking for a strong crane with fast operations that can work productively on job sites over the long term. 这是完美的一系列应用程序, 包括基础设施工作, 在发电厂, 在港口或工业设施中,费德里科·洛维拉说, 马尼托瓦克公司崎岖地形起重机产品经理.
In addition to the GRT8100-1, 马尼托瓦克 also showcased the GMK5150XL and the GMK5250XL-1. 的 GMK5150XL 容量为150吨的7节起重机是68.7米主臂采用Grove的MEGAFORM®设计. It offers a host of attractive lifting capabilities for tower crane assembly, 包括举起重物的能力.1 .在68岁时.7 m; 9.5 t at 66 m; and 13 t at almost 60 m. 的 GMK5150XL’s load charts in taxi configuration are also best-in-class, ensuring easy roadability and transport savings for owners.
参观者还参观了 GMK5250XL-1, an all-terrain crane with the longest boom in its class and unbeatable lifting performance at height. 的 250 t capacity crane includes a single-engine design, which delivers up to 30% lower diesel consumption compared to previous models.
GIS Expo 2023 is 欧洲’s largest exhibition for the lifting, 工业和港口装卸, 以及重型运输业. This year’s show gathered over 400 exhibitors representing leading equipment companies.
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